Saturday, 21 September 2013

Help spot infestation!!!!!!!

Good afternoon all,
The beginning of the week was a terrible time for my skin, oh yes I got so many spots on my face, I was infested with them. I was so worried, normally being in Dubai gave me smooth skin, so I thought of how to tackle it.
I went to the pharmacy and asked the pharmacist what to use, and explained how painful they are, so he gave me a lotion used for acne. You have to wash your face and then put this lotion on the infected areas, avoid moisturizing the pimples because your oiling them up for disaster.

This lotion is a god send ladies and gents,  cost's only 50 Dirhams. It does what we need it to, flattens the spots down and zaps them off your face. Warnings are included, it can dry up the skin so only use on the areas needed and stop when results are good.
I Hope you found that helpful because I sure did, my face has cleared up and marks are starting to fade. I did use another product, since a scrub or face wash is needed when you're this stressed, so I went to another pharmacy and asked them for a face wash.
That pharmacist gave me an amazing face scrub, which is specially for pimples and this gets rid of marks and calms the infestation as I would call it.
Introducing Proactiv solution, the cost is 145 dirhams. This has granules in it and should be scrubbed around the pimples, personally I saw a result in 2 days and now all I'm fighting off is the marks. These are my skin buys for this week and trust me use them correctly and lets beat this spot infestation to the ground.
For regular updates of what I'm up to follow me on twitter - zaharah1618 and Instagram - samzaharah 

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