Hey ladies,
After a lot of teasing, its time to talk bags with you. Dubai is the place for designer bags, I mean people are recognized here by the bag you hold. According to your handbag it's decided how well your doing, I know in other countries it's not an issue, but in Dubai brands are a must.
I personally own a Michael Kors, I bought this because I actually adore the brands designs and style. When it comes to handbags, it's very important for me to have something which makes me feel, this is so me.
I have looked around so much for the bag which calls out my name to buy it, but its been hard to find my style, at Michael Kors I can never go wrong. The colours are on trend, and the details are exactly what I look for, so I'm a happy bunny.
This is my Michael Kors bag, I'm in love with the colour, it's amazing and the best feature is the gold chain, with the gold lock. I am all about gold detail this season, and above all this bag spoke to me. It's in a lot of pictures with me.
The quality is very good, I know that because I'm very wreck less with handbags, they don't look the same when I'm done with them.
The next bag I love is another very current design at Michael Kors, I love the black and white colours it has. This bag costs around 2000 AED, this can go with any outfit and is a good buy for fall A/W.
Here is another Michael Kors, this is python skin, which means it costs more, but looks absolutely unique. I actually love this bag as well, it costs 14000 AED. I would definitely recommend buying this. You can be sure, not everyone will have the same bag.
Last but not least, this is a pure leather Michael Kors bag, this design and colour is fairly new to Michael Kors. I am actually in love with its simplicity, this bag says complete class to me. They also have this in black with gold detail, I actually love the classic black.The cost of this bag is 6000 AED, I would pay that price for this. If you want that simple chic look, this is the bag for that statement.
I hope you guys loved these handbags as much as I did, the colours are gorgeous and designs very chic. I haven't been so well, so today's post came late, but I had to make it up with lots of bag goodness.
Have a good day, will come back with some Dubai love tomorrow.
After a lot of teasing, its time to talk bags with you. Dubai is the place for designer bags, I mean people are recognized here by the bag you hold. According to your handbag it's decided how well your doing, I know in other countries it's not an issue, but in Dubai brands are a must.
I personally own a Michael Kors, I bought this because I actually adore the brands designs and style. When it comes to handbags, it's very important for me to have something which makes me feel, this is so me.
I have looked around so much for the bag which calls out my name to buy it, but its been hard to find my style, at Michael Kors I can never go wrong. The colours are on trend, and the details are exactly what I look for, so I'm a happy bunny.
This is my Michael Kors bag, I'm in love with the colour, it's amazing and the best feature is the gold chain, with the gold lock. I am all about gold detail this season, and above all this bag spoke to me. It's in a lot of pictures with me.
The quality is very good, I know that because I'm very wreck less with handbags, they don't look the same when I'm done with them.
Here is the Balenciaga handbag, it is gorgeous and simple, I love the colour it's very Pow. And the leather is top quality, the cost of this bag is 6000 AED, I would definitely pay that, this is another design which caught my eye.
The next bag I love is another very current design at Michael Kors, I love the black and white colours it has. This bag costs around 2000 AED, this can go with any outfit and is a good buy for fall A/W.
Here is another Michael Kors, this is python skin, which means it costs more, but looks absolutely unique. I actually love this bag as well, it costs 14000 AED. I would definitely recommend buying this. You can be sure, not everyone will have the same bag.
Handbags are very important, as we carry our homes in them, all you ladies know what I mean, so getting the right one to make a statement is very important. The taste you have in bags, shows how on the ball with uniqueness you are.
Last but not least, this is a pure leather Michael Kors bag, this design and colour is fairly new to Michael Kors. I am actually in love with its simplicity, this bag says complete class to me. They also have this in black with gold detail, I actually love the classic black.The cost of this bag is 6000 AED, I would pay that price for this. If you want that simple chic look, this is the bag for that statement.
I hope you guys loved these handbags as much as I did, the colours are gorgeous and designs very chic. I haven't been so well, so today's post came late, but I had to make it up with lots of bag goodness.
Have a good day, will come back with some Dubai love tomorrow.
This post is dedicated to Sof, as she asked for a handbag post, Balenciaga was for you love you x.
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